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nursery 1:


term 1:


In this term, the children had a fun time learning and doing activities about fruits.

In one lesson, they cut the fruits with the assistance of the teacher to make a portrait of themselves after reading the book “What I like about me!” by Allia Zobel-Nolen! Then after that, they used the cut fruits such as watermelon, pineapple, apple, banana and blueberries to create their faces.

The children had an exciting time interacting with their classmates; telling them about their creations.

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term 2:


In this term, the children were really excited to learn about the weather.

Based on the book, “May I Come In?” By Marsha Diane Arnold, Teacher Ruth conducted a storytelling where the children were engaged.

With the given materials such as drawing paper and paint, the children did their own painting. Some children created white clouds while other painted the bright sun.

After the painting activity, the children came up one by one to share about their artwork.

term 3:

pet animals

The children developed an interest in learning about domestic animals after observing pets such as dogs, cats and birds around their neighbourhood.

The purpose of the theme was to educate children more about the animals and how it is important to respect and take care of them.

Watch the video to find out more!


Part 1

Part 3

Part 2

Part 4

term 3, week 1: lesson plan

Theme: Types of animals
​Topic: Pet animals
Learning area(s)

  • Arts and Creative Expression 

  • Discovery of World

​Learning objective(s) 
Children will be able to...

  1. identify the various pet animals

  2. use finger-printing technique to create their art piece

Teaching technique 
Demonstration & questioning​

teaching techniques

Demonstration is to show the children how the activity is to be carried out so that they are better able to imitate or get the feel of the process (MacNaugton & Williams, 2009). This is used in the lesson during the main lesson development when the teacher shows how the finger painting should be carried out. For example, the teacher first showed them an example before they did their finger painting such as using your finger to dip and smudge on the paper to create their chosen pet animal. This technique helps the children to be more familiar with the activity as the activity is being broken down to simpler steps for them (MacNaugton & Williams, 2009). Therefore, it is important to use this technique for children to be able to perform the task again.  


Questioning is used to check for understanding (MacNaugton & Williams, 2009). For example, the teacher used questioning during the tune-in activity to gain an understanding about pet animals. Questioning such as open-ended questions are asked to gather what the children express, think and feel (MacNaugton & Williams, 2009). This could be seem in the video when the teacher asked a child why she decided to draw the rainbow fish. Moreover, she used closed-ended questions in the main lesson development to check for understanding (MacNaugton & Williams, 2009). This could be seen in the video, "Can we eat paint?". Thus, questioning is an important teaching technique that can be used in the classroom as it helps teachers gain better understanding of the child and hence, allows teachers to reflect on their teaching practice.

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